Monday, February 18, 2013

"You Hold the Key" Initiative

To the Times:

Often the good characters of the city of Chester are left unmentioned. I would like to take the time to acknowledge the Chester Eastside Ministries for the phenomenal job they did in operating a two-week camp for about twenty plus youth of our city. The camp provided leadership skills along with fine arts to the youth. Their theme was “You Hold the Key”. They also had the opportunity to learn first hand, about South Africa and their culture as one of the counselors actually flew from her native land to be a part of the camp program. The counselors discussed the importance of making the right choices particularly in today’s society where they are plagued with so many social ills.

This group of youth from different areas of Chester came together with unity, harmony, respect, and a love for each other and in two weeks time they put together a play and wrote a song depicting what can happen if you allow the world to dictate your future.

The talent of these youth was remarkable. As a parent of one of the youth I must state that what these young folks accomplished in two weeks was amazing. The program really blessed my spirit. A program of this magnitude should receive the funding it needs to afford more youth in our community this same opportunity.
The children of Chester need more positive traits to ensure their future as well as our future. Chester Eastside Ministries, thanks so much for providing our youth the chance to enhance their lives. To the city of Chester please support organizations such as this: Our children are worth it!



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