Saturday, March 16, 2013

CNN Documentary - Escape Fire - The Fight to Save American Healthcare - March 16th

ESCAPE FIRE  re-airs on CNN on March 16th at 8:00pm ET. It will re-air at 11pm & 2am ET.

CNN's Visionary Documentary on Health Care

... aside from the white-hot question of how we pay for medical care, there is no avoiding the cold reality that Americans exorbitantly overpay.

Stripping away the hysteria that has hijacked our discussion of this problem was the task facing two filmmakers, Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke, whose superb documentary Escape Fire, re-airs Saturday March 16 on CNN (8pm and repeated 11pm & 2 am ET).

Description of the CNN documentary:
CNN Documentary - Escape Fire - The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare

Watch a video trailer at:

"Like a backfire, it works by depriving an approaching primary fire of fuel so that when the primary fire reaches where the escape fire started the primary fire cannot continue; there is nothing there to burn."

"The technique had been described in James Fenimore Cooper's 1827 novel The Prairie but became well-known only after the Mann Gulch fire. On this occasion, (Robert) Wagner "Wag" Dodge came up with the same idea independently, and successfully put it into practice. He cleared an area large enough for him to survive unharmed when the main fire was less than one minute away."

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